

版主: 麵糰仔

The snow blooms beside my house
Rain to rinse
All the grass and their happiness

The snow grows from the corner
Shining with pearly tears
Stand still in a loading silence
Extend her story
Page by page

I can’t see her words clearly
The papers are wet and in a flash

The slow begins to bloom in my body
The humidity is prefect and the host is willing to fed
I like to share with her
Though she is always in a shower
Especially my mom is calling
While sea wind blows

The snow blooms out of my finger
I sharp her branch to write
And read poetry to please her

She likes to hear my voice
So she takes it instead of the showering drops

I like my flower a lot
That is the reason I lock her
Into the box on my right
Then she never sings for others again
interesting images of ice and snow--I can see how ice drops on tree branches can look pearly.

mother calling side by side with sea wind is also interesting.

must be cold in the north now. take care.